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Dharma chanting

Lama Ngodup —  2013 / 6 Tracks / SAC MUSIC / SMI CD 1087
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    01. Kyamdro
    Lama Ngodup

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    02. Medicine Buddha
    Lama Ngodup

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    03. Green Tara
    Lama Ngodup

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    04. Guru Rinpoche
    Lama Ngodup

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    05. White Zambala
    Lama Ngodup

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    06. Daemon Duppa
    Lama Ngodup



Buddha said I have shown you the methods that lead  to liberation, but you should know that liberation depends upon yourself.
“Venerable Lama Ngodup”

In my humble effort to reach to the circle of devotees who have more affinity with melody, I have brought this set of essential Prayers with musical tannings. It is said that any word supported by melodious tuning reaches to the ears of the listeners, faster. Let me dedicate that any amount of merit may be able to accumulate from this virtuous effort , will bestow both temporary and permanent happiness to all beings equally.


Vocal: Venerable Ngodup.
Music Composed: Venerable Ngodup & Pema Wangdi Lama
Music Arranged, Mixed and Mastered: Pema Wangdi Lama

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  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. Kyamdro
    Lama Ngodup

  • cover play_circle_filled

    02. Medicine Buddha
    Lama Ngodup

  • cover play_circle_filled

    03. Green Tara
    Lama Ngodup

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    04. Guru Rinpoche
    Lama Ngodup

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    05. White Zambala
    Lama Ngodup

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    06. Daemon Duppa
    Lama Ngodup

  • cover play_circle_filled

    01. Taking Refuge in Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, Master Lama
    Ani Choying Drolma

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    PDCST 08 – mp3
    Kenny Bass

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